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Workplace Related-Trauma Treatment

Many professionals, including those in the public sectors such as healthcare, the emergency services and the military will encounter traumatic experiences in the course of their work. 


Sometimes it is obvious that the situation has been traumatic and sometimes it is not. Any situation that causes us to feel deeply disturbed or distressed can be experienced as traumatic. Including situations where we feel powerless and or/out of control, such as jobs where we felt overwhelmed.


One of the really tricky things is that many professionals experience trauma related situations during the course of their work, day to day, year in year out, it is sometimes tricky to know when or why a particular experience might bother us more. Sometimes, this happens to the extent that we can't even trace the original experiences that caused us to feel this way without the support of an experienced professional.


Traumatic experiences that have not been fully processed can cause us to keep reliving them, for example, we might find ourselves being revisited by memories, images, flashbacks, nightmares, thoughts and / or body sensations that are directly related to the trauma. However, sometimes they may not seem to be related but upon further exploration a theme that fits is revealed. 


We might also find ourselves avoiding situations, people, activities, places, associated with the original trauma and or feeling more on edge, more easily startled, angry, without even knowing why these things are happening or bothering us.


If the above connects with your experiences, and / or you have been experiencing greater anxiety, sleep disturbance (taking a long time to go to sleep and / or waking more frequently during the night), stronger feelings of anger and / or feeling more burnout / exhausted, it may be worth seeking an assessment for workplace-related trauma.


Evidence-based psychological trauma approaches focus upon reprocessing the trauma, so that it becomes a memory firmly embedded in the past without the re-experiencing in the present.


These approaches can be surprisingly brief and are conducted in such a way that reprocessing the memories/trauma feels much more manageable than the everyday distress that those affected are already experiencing. 


We currently offer Rewind Trauma Therapy which can often be completed in 3-4 sessions (assessment, intervention, follow up), depending upon the nature, severity and time scales of the trauma.


Please see the International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy website for more information about and the growing evidence base for the Rewind approach.


We will also soon be able to offer the current National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended Trauma treatment: Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing  (EMDR). 


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